Thursday, 14 October 2010
Welsh Review- Cwrw Chips a Darlith Deg.
Adolygiad Cwrw, Chips a Darlith Deg Cyhoeddwyd Hydref 12, 2010 gan Cyfranwyr Gwadd. Myfyrwraig yn Aberystwyth, Miriam James sy’n adolygu drama gomedi newydd Theatr Arad Goch…
Fel myfyrwraig, apeliodd y ddrama yma ataf o’r cychwyn cyntaf gyda’r teitl hwyliog ‘Cwrw Chips a Darlith Deg’. Profiad newydd i mi oedd gweld drama un-dyn ac felly roeddwn i’n edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar i weld sut y byddai’n gweithio. Drama gomedi yw hon am y glas-fyfyriwr –Gary Jones –o’r cymoedd sy’n wynebu chwalfa emosiynol wrth fentro o’r nyth a byw bywyd annibynnol. Wedi gadael yr ysgol, mae gan Gary Jones obeithion mawr ynglŷn â bywyd fel myfyriwr, ond mae’n cael tipyn o sioc wrth geisio ymdopi â’r her o setlo yn y Brifysgol yn ogystal â chymhlethododau bywyd adref.
Yn amlwg mewn drama un-dyn, mae’r ffocws i gyd ar yr unig gymeriad hwnnw a’i fywyd, ond cefais syndod mor dda yr oeddwn yn dod i adnabod cymeriadau eraill drwy ddynwaredu cofiadwy yr actor o’i deulu, ei ffrind gwladgarol ‘Glyn’, a rhai o ferched y coleg megis ‘Teleri, Eleri a Meleri’. Elfen ddifyr iawn o’r ddrama oedd yr amrywiaeth o acenion y cymeriadau yr oedd Gary yn eu dynwared.
Er fod Gary yn profi nifer o wahanol emosiynau wrth i ni ddilyn ei dymor cyntaf yn y coleg, nid yw’r ddrama hon yn rhy ddwys, ond yn hytrach yn llawn hiwmor ysgafn sy’n peri i ni gydymdeimlo â chymeriad lletchwith Gary Jones. Wrth i’r perfformiad ganolbwyntio ar un cymeriad, fe’m tynnwyd yn ddyfnach i’r ddrama wrth ddod i adnabod y cymeriad hwnnw, ac fel myfyrwraig fy hun, gallwn ddeall Gary a’i brofiadau er nad oeddent oll yn berthnasol i mi, diolch byth!
Roedd y set gredadwy gyda holl hanfodion bywyd myfyriwr- gwely, desg, pot noodle, poteli cwrw, a’r coffi yn ychwanegu at y ddrama, ac roedd annibendod yr ystafell yn cyd-fynd ag anhrefn bywyd Gary. O’r un ystafell fechan hon, portreadwyd yn glyfar amryw o storïau a sefyllfaoedd ei fywyd yn y Brifysgol. Mae’r ddrama’n agor gyda’r cymeriad yn hanner codi hanner syrthio allan o’i wely a’i ben i waered, yn gwisgo adenydd tylwythen deg! Ceir ambell elfen swreal sy’n ychwanegu at hiwmor y ddrama a sy’n cyfleu ei brofiadau gwallgo’.
Tyfu’n oedolyn, a’r cyfrifoldebau sy’n dod gyda hynny, yw thema ganolog y ddrama. Mae’r hiwmor yn y ddrama yn cael ei ddwysau gan y ffaith fod Gary yn unigolyn uchel ei gloch, ac er y ddelwedd galed, gwrol mae’n rhoi i ni, mae’r straen o setlo yn y coleg a phroblemau adref yn pwyso arno, a thrwy hyn gwelwn ochr dynerach i’w bersonoliaeth wrth iddo deimlo hiraeth am ei deulu a theimlo tosturi dros ‘Mari Monster’.
Nid drama sy’n procio na phryfocio yw hon, ond yn hytrach perfformiad sy’n rhoi gwen hapus ar wyneb y gynulleidfa, gyda’r boddhad o wybod fod Gary Jones wedi goroesi tymor cyntaf yn y coleg.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
CWRW CHIPS A DARLITH DEG- Rehearsal week 3
Gwydion has some new best friends. They are called:
With this production being a one man show, they are his only source of entertainment and inspiration on that lonesome stage. Whereas some of these objects represent a character, a memory, others have become an extension of the characters themselves. Developing an emotional connection with some of these objects has been vital, and through the wonderful object exercises we have been undertaking, a whole new outlook to a complex scene has been born. Gwydion has developed a wonderful emotion memory and that memory is now fuelling and imposing itself on the associated scene.
Playing HIS perception of this scene, and to be more specific, his perception of how he would have liked this moment in his life to have been played out has brought a fantastic edge and rawness to his character.
It became very apparent, with over 15 characters to play, that this show could become a little monotonous with regard to its style and approach. Playing around with perceptions and the emotion memories that have been established will hopefully keep the hour and a half fresh and stimulating for Gwydion. If the whole journey and experience is motivating for him, the hope is that the whole experience will be just as entertaining for us.
With this production being a one man show, they are his only source of entertainment and inspiration on that lonesome stage. Whereas some of these objects represent a character, a memory, others have become an extension of the characters themselves. Developing an emotional connection with some of these objects has been vital, and through the wonderful object exercises we have been undertaking, a whole new outlook to a complex scene has been born. Gwydion has developed a wonderful emotion memory and that memory is now fuelling and imposing itself on the associated scene.
Playing HIS perception of this scene, and to be more specific, his perception of how he would have liked this moment in his life to have been played out has brought a fantastic edge and rawness to his character.
It became very apparent, with over 15 characters to play, that this show could become a little monotonous with regard to its style and approach. Playing around with perceptions and the emotion memories that have been established will hopefully keep the hour and a half fresh and stimulating for Gwydion. If the whole journey and experience is motivating for him, the hope is that the whole experience will be just as entertaining for us.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
CWRW, CHIPS A DARLITH DEG - Rehearsal week 1
Week One.
Gwydion, our player, has a spaced out look about him. Hitting him over the head with a frying pan is an option, but logic says that maybe he has information overload having rehearsed non stop for five days on the development and staging of this one man show he is tackling, and indeed side stepping and defeating with considerable ease at the moment. Maybe the Welsh squad could pick up a few tips!?
So what to, what to do? Easy, I ask him to dance. "Hey Gwydion, dance your way through the show".
!!!!!!!!!, he says. But dance he did.
End of week one and we are half way through the script unbelievably. Having spent the first day outlining and defining most of the 15 or so characters he has to create and embody, the show now seems to be developing its distinct rhythm, with its accents and tone evolving quite organically, as if it has its own individual current rippling throughout. It's been quite a technical week for Gwydion. Repeating looks, glances and accents, transference of weight and gear changes, but twas all born from the exploration of the text and the wonderful world of Silent Etude. It is such a joy to mold and sculpt what Gwydion experiences and discovers during those instinctive moments, choreographing the whole thing into a little ballet. Funny, it just seems as though he is dancing! Wonderful.
"Hey Gwydion, are you dancing".
"Why? You asking?"
Gwydion, our player, has a spaced out look about him. Hitting him over the head with a frying pan is an option, but logic says that maybe he has information overload having rehearsed non stop for five days on the development and staging of this one man show he is tackling, and indeed side stepping and defeating with considerable ease at the moment. Maybe the Welsh squad could pick up a few tips!?
So what to, what to do? Easy, I ask him to dance. "Hey Gwydion, dance your way through the show".
!!!!!!!!!, he says. But dance he did.
End of week one and we are half way through the script unbelievably. Having spent the first day outlining and defining most of the 15 or so characters he has to create and embody, the show now seems to be developing its distinct rhythm, with its accents and tone evolving quite organically, as if it has its own individual current rippling throughout. It's been quite a technical week for Gwydion. Repeating looks, glances and accents, transference of weight and gear changes, but twas all born from the exploration of the text and the wonderful world of Silent Etude. It is such a joy to mold and sculpt what Gwydion experiences and discovers during those instinctive moments, choreographing the whole thing into a little ballet. Funny, it just seems as though he is dancing! Wonderful.
"Hey Gwydion, are you dancing".
"Why? You asking?"
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Gary Jones is on his way to make a mark in the world!
Follow his story to the ivory towers of education.
His anguish whilst writing essays.
His pints of larger and vindaloos.
His life falling to pieces in the chutney tray at the end of the night.
It's all here-
Laughter, tears and inventive ways of beating assignment deadlines.
The production will remind past students of their own antics, will hold a mirror to current students and an eye opener for future students.
Gary Jones - Gwydion Griffiths
Written by Sian Summers
Directed by Angharad Lee
For tour dates visit:-
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Sherman Cymru are hosting a script slam at this years National Eisteddfod Blaenau Gwent.
The showings at Theatr y Maes are free. A chance to hear new voices in Welsh Language theatre.
Angharad will be directing a few of the scripts. Three scripts a day. Come and vote for your favourite script.
02-04 August @1.30pm
Sherman Cymru are hosting a script slam at this years National Eisteddfod Blaenau Gwent.
The showings at Theatr y Maes are free. A chance to hear new voices in Welsh Language theatre.
Angharad will be directing a few of the scripts. Three scripts a day. Come and vote for your favourite script.
02-04 August @1.30pm
We Need Bees
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Rehearsals for The Journey have begun.
A Community Oratorio written by Alan Harris and Richard Barnard to be performed by and for communities in the Parc and Dare Treorci and Blaenavon.
Angharad is directing the project.,1
A Community Oratorio written by Alan Harris and Richard Barnard to be performed by and for communities in the Parc and Dare Treorci and Blaenavon.
Angharad is directing the project.,1
Angharad is currently working as Schools Community Liaison Officer, on a part time basis for Spectacle Theatre. The Witch, written by Paul Swifft will be an Active Theatre project performed within Secondary Schools within R.C.T/MERTHYR/BRIDGEND and CAERPHILLY.
For information contact Spectacle Theatre:-
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Five new, ten minute plays by five new writers are performed script in hand by professional actors. A panel of industry experts-writers, actors and directors as well as our 'Voice of the Street-is on hand to offer feedback. You, the audience, then get to vote for your favourite.
Angharad will be directing two of the pieces.
APRIL 28th @ 8pm
Monday, 22 March 2010
Angharad will be directing the third instalment of one of the plays in Theatre versus Oppressions 'What happens next?' held at Chapter Arts Centre on 28th of March at 7.30pm.
Theatre versus Oppression runs WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? A new writing initiative which aims to develop 6 new plays in 10 sections each month. March sees the 3rd instalment of the scripts being rehearsed and read.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Angharad is currently working with Arad Goch and the Opening Doors Festival in Aberystwyth.
Drama, Puppets, laughter dance and more will be on offer at this unique and friendly festival. During the five days world class productions from Wales and beyond will be entertaining young audiences on stages across Aberystwyth during the day, evening and weekend.
Angharad will be directing rehearsed readings of 6 brand new plays from up and coming writers on the afternoons of the 17th and 18th of March.
For more information visit:-
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