Monday, 16 May 2011

Jac a'r Goeden Ffa (Jack and the Beanstalk)

Mae Angharad yn falch iawn ei bod wedi derbyn y cynnig i gyfarwyddo Panto Cymraeg Theatrau Rhondda Cynon Taf eleni. Edrych 'mlaen at gastio cyn hir.

Angharad is very pleased to have accepted the offer to direct R.C.T Theatre's Welsh Language Panto this year. Looking forward to casting in due course and developing and staging this production.

Friday, 13 May 2011


Angharad is very lucky to have been offered the chance to visit the Assitej World Congress in Copenhagen at the end of May. Looking forward to be inspired and hopefully surprised by some of the highest quality performances from all over the world.

Al ac Ant

Angharad is currently developing ideas for a brand new show featuring award winning television presenters Al ac Ant. Al ac Ant approached Theatr Arad Goch offering to collaborate on a brand new theatrical production which will be suitable for the whole family. The show will tour Wales in September 2011. For more information visit the website below:-

Gwyl Preswyl yr Urdd

Mi fydd Angharad yn gweithio fel cyfarwyddwr ar Wyl Preswyl yr Urdd eleni yng Ngorllewin Cymru. Edrych mlaen.

Angharad has recently returned from a fantastic whirlwind experience in Koln, Germany. The Westwind festival held at the Comedia Theatre celebrates the best of theatre for young people in the region. Highlights included productions from Theatre Mini-Art, Schauspielhaus Dusseldorf, and a great piece of theatre from Consol Theatre.